‘Gunna’ Turnbull shoots self in foot.

Again. Having triggered a double-dissolution election to try and bag himself a bigger parliamentary majority and had it backfire on him in a very big way, Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull now finds himself even more clearly in the cross-hairs of ‘crossbench’ crackpots in the Senate.

So that everything he’s been vowing he’s gunna do, from reforming the nation’s deformed tax system and whatever alleged ‘plan’ he and his colleagues claim they have for achieving their endlessly-promised ‘jobs n growth’ to a move to marriage-equality can be held-up by these crazies.

Crazies like anti-immigration, anti-multiculturalism and anti-Muslim warrior Pauline Hanson and so-called Liberal Democrat David Leyonhjelm, a former member of the Shooters Party and now a lock, stock and barrel ‘libertarian’ devoted to the cause of seeing government ‘wound back to a minimal role in society.’

Leyonhjelm is an outspoken advocate of lifting the current ban on the importation of one of the world’s most lethal shotguns, the rapid-fire Adler A110, into Australia.

And is currently putting his advocacy of this gun to Malcolm Turnbull’s head in return for contemplating support of the Coalition’s latest attempt to bring fire to bear on the unions and the Labor Party by means of an Australian Building and Construction Commission.

Whether Turnbull’s gunna throw his hands up and surrender to this threat to put yet another deadly weapon into the hands of those idiots who consider the shooting of wildlife to be a ‘sport’, or those contemplating acts of terrorism, or those Australians so deranged as to consider going on Port-Arthur-style killing-sprees, is anybody’s guess so far.

But one thing’s for sure. As long as he allows himself to remain hostage to the right, or in other words wrong wing of his Party and Coalition, and an easy target for pot-shots from low-calibre senators like Leyonhjelm, he’s gunna continue to be seen as a dead-set goner as prime minister.


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